We All Care About The Loop!

Continualoop provides a name for all of the things that I care about and have been focusing on in my 20 year IT career: Continually improving software delivery teams. To start with I care about context. I'll start by declaring that we all care about software delivery loops . But what is a software delivery loop you might ask? I'm sure you will be familiar with what is being communicated with this picture. Figure 1 - Software Delivery Loop What this is showing in simple terms is the activities commonly involved in software delivery. We plan the features that will be supported by our software, then we code and build the software, before testing it, releasing and then deploying it. Once it is available to the consumers of our software we will operate it and hopefully measuring how well the software is meeting the needs of our consumers. We close the loop by taking this feedback into account in planning future releases of the software. Sounds a lot like an SDLC? I w...